Mostly everyone likes to maintain their physique, but most of the people don’t have time to spend time at gym. So it’s better to at home before hitting the gym. Here are some basic workouts that everyone wants to know.

Five basic workouts at home to strengthen muscles.

1. Push-ups

2. Pull-ups

3. Lunges

4. Squat

5. Plank

1.   1. Push-ups:

 The Push-ups is a common workout that everyone can do easily. No matter what the body shape they have – skinny or fatty, because it strengthened your upper body. It mainly activates the Chest Muscle and other Muscles like Triceps and Shoulder. Push-ups are the fast and effective exercise for building strength.

How to do Push-ups?

1. All we have to do is place our hand on the floor, slightly wider than your shoulder and place your legs down the floor widely.

2. Straighten the arms and legs.

3. Then push your Chest downwards to touch the floor.

4. Stop. Then push yourself back then.

5. Repeat it.

We can gradually increase your sets from 3 to 5 and reps like 10 to 15 counts.

2. Pull-ups:

The Pull-ups is a upper body workout that strengthen the Back Muscle and also Key workout to increase your height rapidly and its ok to pull-up every day.

How to do Pull-ups?

1. Rise your hand and grab the bar widely.

2. With the arm extended above and pull yourself up chin over the bar.

3. Gradually lower yourself and controlled with your arm.

4. Repeat it again.

But first it will take times to do a perfect pull–up. We can gradually increase your sets from 3 to 5 and reps like 10 to 15 counts.

3. Lunges:

 Lunges are the workout which increase your muscles mass and strengthens your lower body. And its main benefit is to shaping your body. It strengthens the muscles like glutes, hamstrings, calves and front thighs.

How to do lunges?

1. Stand by your legs straightly and erect our back bone.

2. And step forward and bend your knees to 90 degree until that reach the floor.

3. It wants to squeeze your glute then return the lunging leg to the standing position.

4. And repeat it over to the next leg.

5. Repeat it again.

Gradually increase your sets from 3 to 5 and reps like 10 to 15 counts.


4. Squats:

 Already we have discussed about strengthen the lower body but this squat workout plays an vital role to strengthen and tone up the lower too. And it strengthens the core, crushing the calories and we can done in everywhere.

How to do Squat?

1. Stand by your toe straightly.

2. Then bent your back like invisible chair.

3. Tighten your stomach muscle.

4. Straighten your legs to lift back up.

5. Then repeat the process again.

Gradually increase our sets from 3 to 5 and reps like 10 to 15 counts.


5. Plank:

 Mostly we can prescribe it because easily strengthen your core and burn the calories rapidly.  A plank not only engages to burn the calories but also improve the posture and flexible the tummy.    

How to do Plank?

1. Lay down in front of the floor like push-up position and use your elbows (forearm) instead of your hands (Push-up position).

2. Squeeze your glute and tighten your abdominal.

3. Keep your Spine straight.

4. Hold the position for a while.

NOTE : Basically it varies from one person to another person for achieve their target. It's because of their workouts involvement, intakes and genetics.


When people said "We never want to look like you"
           Arnold replied "Don't worry you never will"
-Arnold Schwarzenegger

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