Expensive protein foods

                Expensive protein foods

In this blog we going to discuss about the highest protein foods available in market. Highest means which is little expensive from normal foods. your goal really build the muscle, diet is the only potential to build muscle mass. 

1. Whey supplements 

Protein is an important part of our diet and key to building and maintaining all types of body tissue, including muscle. It contains amino acids, the building blocks used for muscle growth. So consuming of 30g of whey can get 20 to 25g of protein.

2. Tuna

The tuna fish has no fat, which has  omega-3 that helps the heart health. Omega-3 can help improve our body mass and reduce body fat. Tuna’s omega-3 fatty acids are also believed to slow the growth of tumor cells and reduce inflammation in the body. It contains iron, vitamin b6, potassium,  iodine and selenium. Eating of 150g of tuna can get 30g of protein

3. Tofu

Tofu is a highly nutritious food source, containing antiutrients and isoflavones. It is made from condensed soy milk and is compressed into white block solids. The Chinese call it nigari. When prepared correctly, tofu can be savory, sweet, crunchy, or soft.

4. Diet paneer

Paneer or a cottage cheese which is rich in calcium and vitamin A. It helps in build muscle and build bones density. Paneer is easy to diet which contains a good amount of fat that is beneficial for the body as well as protein. A 100g of serving contains 15g of protein. 

5. Ground turkey 

Ground turkey provides protein fat and  variety of vitamins and minerals. It contains amino acids which is helpful for build and repair muscle. A 100g of serving contains 24 g of protein. 

NOTE : Basically it varies from one person to another person for achieve their target. It's because of their workouts involvement, intakes and genetics.

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